Jitendra Joshi, a compassionate humanitarian, is dedicated to serving society through diverse philanthropic efforts. His work spans various domains including social projects aimed at uplifting underprivileged communities, fostering fostering spirituality to promote inner peace and harmony, promoting sports for physical and mental well-being, inspiring and guiding youth towards positive paths, and empowering women by providing them with opportunities for growth and development. Through his multifaceted initiatives, Jitendra Joshi endeavors to create a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.
Explore some of Jitendra Joshi’s philanthropical work in the field of Education below
Career guidance to College Students in Delhi
Jitendra Joshi Giving Session on Entrepreneurship Development to MBA students.
Jitendra Joshi, on behalf of Abhi Group sponsors International students
Jitendra Joshi conducting a workshop for parents and children
Jitendra Joshi with students of journalism from MIT International School after delivering a motivational speech
Jitendra Joshi presented Award of Excellence to foreign students
Visionary Entrepreneur, Founder & Global President of GIBF, and Chairman of Abhi Group. Leading innovation and fostering global business connections.
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