Jitendra Joshi, renowned for his dedication to humanitarian causes, is deeply involved in philanthropy across various spheres. His impactful contributions span education, where he champions initiatives to ensure access and quality for all, social projects aimed at uplifting marginalized communities, sports programs promoting physical and mental well-being, mentorship programs guiding youth towards fulfilling paths, and initiatives empowering women by providing opportunities for growth and advancement. Through his diverse efforts, Jitendra Joshi epitomizes the spirit of compassion and service, working tirelessly to create positive change and uplift society as a whole.
Witness Jitendra Joshi’s spiritual side and get a glimpse of his spiritual journey.
Jitendra Joshi with the employees of Abhi Group of Companies during the immersion of Lord Ganesha idol on Anant Chaturdashi, the last day of Ganesh Festival
Celebrating Datta Jayanti with family at the Datta Mandir in Joshi Farms
Jitendra Joshi as a guest during a spiritual programme.
Jitendra Joshi celebrated his birthday by seeking blessings from Lord Jyotiba at the Shree Jyotiba Devasthan in Kolhapur
Jitendra Joshi feeding the cows that are considered sacred by Hindus
Jitendra Joshi on a spiritual stage
Visionary Entrepreneur, Founder & Global President of GIBF, and Chairman of Abhi Group. Leading innovation and fostering global business connections.
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